
Georgia governor certifies election, sealing Biden win over Trump; Trump campaign immediately contests
[WashingtonExaminer] Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Friday announced he would accept the election results showing Joe Biden won the presidential race against President Trump by more than 12,000 votes in the Peach State, one of the closest margins in the country.

Kemp, speaking from the Georgia Capitol, added that the certification "paves the way for the Trump campaign to pursue other legal options and a separate recount."
That doesn’t sound like a certification, which I understand is final.
Georgia's election has been saddled with accusations of voter fraud and ugly party infighting.

Biden flipped the once-reliably red state blue with 2.47 million votes, compared to Trump's 2.46 million. Libertarian Jo Jorgensen pulled in 62,138 votes. Biden beat Trump by a margin of 12,670 votes, or 0.25 points. He is the first Democratic presidential nominee to win the state's 16 Electoral College votes in nearly three decades.

The result of the six-day hand recount of the state's 159 counties had been widely expected despite unsupported allegations from Trump's campaign and Georgia Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue that the results should be doubted because of widespread fraud.

They have also accused Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a lifelong Republican, of trying to help Democrats cheat, an accusation he has strongly denied.

The Trump campaign has two business days to request a machine recount under state law. If it does, Georgia taxpayers will foot the bill.
A machine recount with tainted mail in votes. Still gonna use Dominion machines?
Shortly thereafter:
Trump Campaign Fact-Checks the Media: Georgia Has Not Certified Biden's Win

[PJMedia] On Thursday night, Georgia completed its hand recount of the ballots in the 2020 election, finding that Joe Foreign Policy Whiz Kid Biden
...Candidate for president in 2020. Old, boring, a plagiarist, fond of hair sniffing and grabbing the protruding parts of women, and not whatcha call brilliant...
leads President Donald Trump
...The man who was so stupid he beat fourteen professional politicians, a former tech CEO, and a brain surgeon for the Republican nomination in 2016, then beat The Smartest Woman in the World in the general election...
by 12,284 votes. The state has yet to certify the results, however. The Trump campaign contested the recount, arguing that Georgia officials still wrongfully counted illegal ballots.

"Georgia’s historic first statewide audit reaffirmed that the state’s new secure paper ballot voting system accurately counted and reported results," Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R-Ga.) said in a statement. "This is a credit to the hard work of our county and local elections officials who moved quickly to undertake and complete such a momentous task in a short period of time."

Jenna Ellis, senior legal advisor to the Trump campaign, fact-checked the legacy media on the Georgia news.

"Headlines are already falsely reporting that Joe Biden is declared the winner in Georgia. Sorry, media, that’s not how it works. The State of Georgia has not certified its results, and it should not," Ellis said in a statement.

"This so-called hand recount went exactly as we expected because Georgia simply recounted all of the illegal ballots that had been included in the total," she argued. "We continue to demand that Georgia conduct an honest recount, which includes signature matching. We intend to pursue all legal options to ensure that only legal ballots are counted."

Ellis is correct that Georgia has not certified its results, but the News Agency that Dare Not be Named did call the race for Biden. Her fact-check boils down to the question of what it means for Biden to be "declared the winner."

The signature-matching issue is even thornier. The Trump campaign has alleged that election officials have kept Republican poll watchers away, hampering their ability to monitor the counting of ballots.

When it comes to signature-matching, election officials have to check the signatures on the secrecy envelopes before counting absentee ballots in those envelopes. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, even if election officials did illegally count absentee ballots, it may be impossible to fix the problem, since ballots are not kept with secrecy envelopes after officials remove and tally them.

Election officials rejected 2,011 absentee ballots in the Georgia general election, according to Raffensperger’s office. Voters returned a total of 1.32 million absentee ballots, so the rejection rate is 0.15 percent, the same as in the 2018 election. That year, Georgians cast only 284,000 absentee ballots, 454 of which were rejected for signature mismatch.

The recount found thousands of previously-uncounted ballots.

Posted by: One Eyed Snusoper4309 2020-11-21