
Nursing-home horrors go way beyond the virus
[NYPOST] The failure to protect nursing-home residents is by now a depressingly familiar fact of the pandemic in America — especially in the Empire State, where Gov. Andrew Granny Killer Cuomo
...Emmy Award-winning hereditary Dem governor of Noo York. His self-described exemplary handling of the COVID epidemic gave his state the highest death rate in the nation....
’s grievous March order forcing homes to accept COVID-positive patients led to the death of at least 6,000 New Yorkers (the real figure could be double that).Nationwide, these residents constitute 40 percent of deaths, though they represent less than 1 percent of the population. Yet the novel coronavirus (aka COVID19 or Chinese Plague)
...the twenty first century equivalent of bubonic plague, only instead of killing off a third of the population of Europe it kills 3.4 percent of those who notice they have it. It seems to be fond of the elderly, especially Iranian politicians and holy men...
has proved deadly to our elders in another, perhaps more insidious and invisible, way. According to barely noticed reporting from the News Agency that Dare Not be Named, straight-up neglect has killed another 40,000 residents.

Take the case of Donald Wallace. The 75-year-old retired trucker survived COVID-19, according to the AP, but neglect led to him becoming so malnourished and dehydrated that he dropped to 98 pounds, suffered septic shock and likely choked on his own food. "They stopped taking care of him," his son Kevin said of the Alabama facility that took "care" of Wallace (the facility denied ­neglect).

Reports are coming from all over the country, including New York, of diapers left on for so long, the skin peels off when they are removed. Of bedridden residents who haven’t been turned for so long, you could see their bones through their sores. Often, the profound isolation leads to deaths that certificates simply ­label as "failure to thrive."

One big problem is the ubiquity of corporate-owned nursing homes that are chronically ­understaffed, and by employees paid less than a living wage. Rather than adequately supporting the institutions they own, per Sherlocks, these corporations are more ­interested in passing on cost-savings as profits to their shareholders.

America is truly a barbarous outlier in this respect, as immigrants colonists, especially those from cultures where filiality norms still reign, would tell you.

The practices were hiding in plain sight before, but the pandemic has forced Americans to examine how we treat our parents in the twilight of their lives. An informed choice lies before us. We can continue to acquiesce to a throwaway culture that discards the most vulnerable among us, or we can begin to mobilize to protect and honor our elders.It’s significant this choice on eldercare comes amid a massive political realignment. For all his faults, President Trump and his ­populist uprising at least somewhat loosened the grip on the GOP of small-government fanatics and corporatists. Democrats increasingly represent the interests of corporate America, of the managerial class. That’s a golden opportunity for ­Republicans to champion a pro-family, pro-worker vision — to ­insist that profits and growth aren’t the highest end in themselves.

Posted by: Fred 2020-12-03