
Texas requests Supreme Court to overturn Biden win
The (D) Media View. Biden won. On the The Promised Land!
[Dallas News]Texas AG Ken Paxton’s longshot suit asks high court to negate 10M votes in Georgia, Penn., Michigan and Wisconsin. Ted Cruz agreed to argue the case for Trump.
Nope, no bias here!
President Donald Trump and 17 GOP-controlled states filed motions Wednesday backing Texas’ longshot legal effort to get the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn results in four states that helped deliver the presidency to Democrat Joe Biden.
I thought it was a constitutional question, silly me! But wait - didn't Trump predict a SCOTUS issue weeks ago?
Trump called this "the big one" after losing more than three dozen cases in federal and state courts alleging ballot tampering and fraud.
Are any cases still open? Giuliani's? Powell's?
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed the lawsuit on Monday, effectively asking the nation’s highest court to negate 10.4 million ballots from voters who picked Biden over Trump in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Just the illegal ones.
Officials in those states called the lawsuit a baseless stunt. The Supreme Court has given them until 3 p.m. Thursday to file responses.

Trump’s legal team has found no traction in court for his unsubstantiated claims that the election was rigged or stolen, and the president embraced the Texas case as the latest and possibly last potential vehicle to stave off defeat.
At least they didn't say "inevitable defeat". A glimmer of hope.
The Supreme Court has signaled little interest in second-guessing state election procedures after the fact, though it offered Trump a glimmer of hope by not rejecting Texas' challenge out of hand.

Only the nation's high court has jurisdiction in controversies between state governments, though the idea that one state can challenge another's elections is novel. Sen. John Cornyn, a Republican who served as state attorney general before his election in 2002, was dubious.
Not challenging the election, buddy, just the process. If the procedures are found to violate the US Constitution, then there's the question of what to do with the mail in ballots, not the whole "election".
Posted by: Bobby 2020-12-10