
Portland lets Antifa win big — again
[NYPOST] Last week, Portland law ­enforcers raided a house that had for months been ­illegally occupied by trespassers affiliated with Black Lives Matter and Antifa
...the armed wing of the Democratic Party...
. At the barricaded property, officers made arrests and found a stockpile of firearms.
The African-American Kinney family have described themselves as “sovereign citizens,” likely members of the century-old Moorish Sovereign Citizens movement (also known as Indigenous Moors), that along with the Nation of Islam is a troublesome offshoot of the Moorish Science Temple cult that has claimed that African-Americans (“Moors”) are the true original inhabitants of North America, and therefore exempt from American laws while being the true owners of all property within its borders. Also, they believe themselves to be Muslim, leaning heavily, like the Mormons, on long lost chapters of the Koran secretly revealed to their founding prophet.
Under normal circumstances, the armed trespassers would be prosecuted, and that would be the end of the story. But in riot-plagued Portland, Oregon, things are very far from normal.

The city’s "progressive" district attorney immediately dropped the charges against the occupiers, and their comrades soon sent in reinforcements to build a sprawling autonomous zone in the middle of a densely populated residential area.

The murderous Moslems called the place the Red House Autonomous Zone — named after the red-painted house occupied at the heart of the zone. In doing so, they took inspiration from the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle, Washington. During the summer, leftist Death Eaters chased police out of a six-block area of the Emerald City and drew their own "borders," complete with checkpoints manned by armed "security." The three-week ­experiment in lawlessness ended in mass vandalism, ­attempted rape, multiple shootings and two homicides.
Posted by: Fred 2020-12-17