
Pardon Everyone
It's Kurt
[Townhall] Power is wasted if you don't use it, especially when exercising your power will protect your friends and hamstring your enemies. The Democrats get that. The last four years have demonstrated that they get how to use power via their obnoxious and evil witch hunts targeting the associates of the president, not least of all General Mike Flynn. Trump used his power and pardoned Flynn. That's a good start. Trump should now pardon everybody.

By which I mean everybody.

People who are accused of something right now.

People who aren't accused of anything yet.

People who worked for Trump.

People who didn't.

Even his opponents.

Pardon everybody.

Oh, the libs and their yipping media poodles will get mad. They'll foam at the mouth and howl at outrage at the way President Trump has spirited away their intended prey. Good. Their pain makes it all the better.

It is just.

It is right.

And it is necessary to stymie the Democrat Establishment's attempt to make examples of anyone opposing them.

Is this yet another norm that mean old Trump is overturning? Hardly. Instead, it is a woke recognition of the new rules, new rules the Democrats imposed and which they should now experience, suppository-like, good and hard. How many innocent people went bankrupt after being caught up in the Russia hoax? Did they care? So why should we about depriving them of their jollies? There might have been a time when we were all playing by the rules that said that the feds would only investigate bad people and bring them to justice, where the innocent were not punished through process. Those were good times. But they are not these times.

The Flynn travesty put the lie to the idea that the Department of Justice was anything more than just the Department. The Democrats weaponized law enforcement exactly like it weaponized the IRS, leveraging its power to attack and destroy their political enemies, and the Establishment shrugged as the media cheered. Now, there's no justice to be had, except in pulling the intended victims from the jaws of these monsters.
Continues at link.
Posted by: Bobby 2020-12-19