
Nancy Pelosi Goes on CNN and Has a Meltdown Too Amazing to Miss
[PJMedia] It appears Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to move on from having her purely political motives for holding up a stimulus bill before the election scrutinized. Judging by the election returns, the voters held her accountable by nearly wiping out her majority in the House.

Now it seems some members of the corporate media are also trying to hold her accountable. This could be a sign the media has decided she needs to go. This would look similar to the trashing of Sen. Dianne Feinstein. She made the critical mistake of being civil to Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham during the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett. As if on cue, leaks from those close to Feinstein, allegedly, painted the picture of a woman in significant cognitive decline.

Now we have CNN host Wolf Blitzer taking Pelosi to task for dragging her feet on pandemic relief when so many Americans were suffering. This is not the first time she has been forced to address this, and she actually admitted during a recent press conference that her willingness to negotiate now was linked to having a new president. However, this appearance was even more astonishing.

Blitzer appears to be asking Pelosi about the content of the stimulus bill that has worked its way through Congress. The current bill provides significantly less relief than President Trump had on the table before the election. For example, the version that has passed provides Americans making less than $75,000 a year with a $600 payment. The previous version provided $1200. It seems like a reasonable question since Pelosi has admitted to holding up the previous bill.

Pelosi responds to the question by telling Blitzer he needs to respect her committee chairs’ knowledge. She then accused Blitzer of defending the Trump administration throughout the process. You didn’t know she does stand-up comedy, too, did you? She closed her initial comments by essentially calling Blitzer too stupid to understand the differences between the two bills.

Then it got weird when Blitzer attempted to close the interview:

Blitzer: Madam Speaker these are incredibly difficult times right now. And we’ll leave it on that note. Thank you so much....

Pelosi: No. No, we’ll leave it on the note you are not right on this Wolf. I hate to say that to you. But I feel confident about it and I feel confident about my colleagues. And I feel confident in my Chairs.

Blitzer: It’s not about me, it’s about millions of Americans who can’t put food on the table, who can’t pay the rent and are having trouble...

Pelosi: And we represent them. (Blitzer attempts to respond and Pelosi gets repetitive) And we represent them. And we represent them. And we represent them. We know them. We represent them and we know them. We know them. We represent them, yes.

Blitzer: Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good as they say here in Washington

Pelosi: It’s nowhere near perfect.

Blitzer: Madam Speaker

Pelosi: Always the case but we’re not even close to the good.

Blitzer: All right. Let’s see what happens because every day is critically, critically important. Thanks so much for joining us.

Pelosi: Thank you for your sensitivity to our constituents’ needs.

Blitzer: I am sensitive to them because I see them on the street begging for food. Begging for money. Madam Speaker, thank you so much....

Pelosi: Have you fed them? We feed them. We feed them.

Blitzer: We’ll continue this conversation down the road for sure. We’ll take a quick break and we’ll be right back.

Did you hear that? Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues in Congress feed the hungry. Maybe she shares some of her boutique chocolate ice cream with the homeless guy who sleeps outside her gate in Napa. Perhaps her staff will be the next one claiming their boss is in cognitive decline. In any case, this was not a good look.

Posted by: 746 2020-12-23