
5 Israeli Arabs planned to attack the Knesset, join al-Qaeda
Ten days after Ynetnews exposed a terror plot to attack the Knesset, indictments were handed down in the Jerusalem District Court against five Israeli Arabs suspected of involvement in a terror cell.

The suspects range in age from 19 to 23.

The main suspect is 19-year-old Murad Alian from Ras-al-Amud, from East Jerusalem. Other group members are Hussam Marisat, Bahjat Hashim, Marwan Abu Laban and Shaaban Hamad.

Alain is charged with collecting deadly material intended to spread on car doors. He is suspected of frequenting internet sites related to both international and anti-Israel terrorism, and of establishing a terror cell to stage an attack in Israel in 2004. The group hoped an anti-Israel attack would serve as its initiation into the al-Qaeda organization.

Two members of the group planned a shooting attack near the West Bank town of Anata. Marisat even told Alian he intended to start work as a builder at the Knesset in order to spend more time together and advance planning, and to gather information about the structure of the Knesset in order to plan an attack.

Another suspect, Hamad, told cell members he thought an appropriate place for an attack would be the IDF checkpoint near the entrance to the Shuafat refugee camp. Alain asked group members to find him an axe in order to rob and murder a gas station attendant in order to finance the group's terror activities.

According to the indictment, Alain and Marisat spoke about making bombs and even discussed different possibilities of obtaining guns to stage attacks. Marisat proposed to murder a Druze IDF soldier, steal his gun and deliver it to the group.

Ilain is charged with treason, providing support to an enemy during wartime and, and has been charged separately. The four others have been charged with one count of conspiring to provide support to the enemy, intention to commit treason, and attempted armed crimes.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-03-17