
Opposition Reports Coup In Damascus
The regime of President Bashar Assad, said to have fled Damascus, has come under severe strain amid its military redeployment in Lebanon. Lebanese opposition sources said the Assad regime has been divided over the decision to withdraw thousands of troops from Lebanon. The sources said some elements of the military have refused to follow orders for the pullout of troops as well as intelligence agents from both central Lebanon and the eastern Bekaa Valley.

Syria's military was said to have increased deployment around Damascus amid tension within the regime. Opposition sources said the Syrian military has undergone a split, with a rebel faction having taken control over parts of the capital. The rebel faction was said to be led by Syrian Interior Minister Ghazi Kanaan and Firas Tlas, the son of former Defense Minister Mustapha Tlas. The sources said this group, which included Syrian intelligence chief in Lebanon, Maj. Gen. Rustom Ghazaleh and Maj. Gen. Ali Madi, has rebelled against Assad's decision to withdraw from Lebanon.
Posted by: Fred 2005-03-18