
Tele: UN in dramatic climbdown after American pressure
The security of America and other wealthy countries will for the first time be declared a key priority for the United Nations under reforms designed to restore confidence in the crisis-ridden international body. The reforms, to be announced tomorrow by Kofi Annan, the UN secretary-general, will be seen as a concession to Washington after repeated clashes with President George W Bush over US foreign policy, including the war in Iraq. The UN Secretariat promises a "real re-launch — a fundamental manifesto" after criticism of its performance since the September 11 terrorist attacks and the Iraq oil-for-food scandal. Mark Malloch Brown, the Briton newly appointed as the UN's chief of staff, said: "Reform really has to align the UN behind an agenda that includes a security system which can fully meet US concerns on terrorism."
Abject surrender and obsequious pandering. I love it.
He said that the drive to cut poverty and tackle social problems in developing nations would be couched in terms of the threat to the security of the West.
These clowns still don't get it. Those things should be done because they are the right things to do. And they should start doing them right. Enough corruption and pedophilia. I think they know it has to change but they haven't figured out to what it should change.
"For the first time since 1945, the UN is looking at what the world wants us to do," he said. "We need to offer something for everyone, something for The Sunday Telegraph reader as well as the struggling African." Chidyan Siku, Zimbabwe's ambassador to the UN, gave the proposals a cool reception. "My feeling, and the feeling of colleagues from developing countries, is that the Secretariat is trying to please America by slanting towards the strategic agenda of the North. That will not find favour with us," he said.
That's an indication you're part of the problem, not part of the solution, isn't it?
An official at the French mission said: "They may be going too far in trying to please Washington. The UN is not only about the US."
Opposition from Zimbabwe and it's ally France. The old UN isn't gone yet.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis 2005-03-20