
For Biden, there's never too much control for Americans, and never too little for illegals
[American Thinker] There's a reason the left doesn't want COVID ever to end.

First, it became a pretext for blue-state officials to shut down businesses, churches, and schools.

Now it's morphed into a pretext for Orwellian spying on Americans and their every personal move. It's all about control.

At the same time, the Biden administration is also encouraging illegal immigration. It comes down to "your papers, please" for Americans, based on purported concerns about COVID, but for unvetted foreigners, never mind about the passport.

This comes with open borders, amnesty, and "free" health care serving as incentives for them to come on in. That's some central planning from the party of Big Government. Or more to the point, Biden has his priorities.

Here are some of the specifics:

Joe Biden in one of his first executive orders called for the study of COVID passports. According to the New York Times:
Posted by: Besoeker 2021-02-09