
Another Way Youtube Threatens & Deplatforms People
I've been checking out musician Rick Beato for some years now. He will go over and break down songs mostly from the perspective of a guitar player, and I like almost all of them (Simon & Garfunkel can blow me, toothless). Irrespective of the fact that the musicians he references in these songs still get royalties from Rick's replaying of these songs, some of them are bitching about it and he's received various levels of warnings and notices about this from Youtube, sending him threatening e-mails that if he commits this three times, he will be banned from Youtube permanently and thus effectively deplatformed.

I mention this because Rick Beato is in no way overtly political; this cancel culture bullshit is getting worse and is expanding far and wide because Youtube feels (correctly at this point) they can do this and suffer no repercussions.

Legally speaking I'm of the opinion this is more a copyright fight over $ than anything else but the Stalinist trend towards banning and threats is unmistakeable.
Posted by: Raj 2021-02-11