
Nikki, they still hate you and want you to die
[Don Surber, who you should read regularly] A followup for that hack move by Nikki I see where Nikki Haley showed all the loyalty of a Mitt Romney as she dumped on Donald Trump. That's the thanks he gets for appointing her ambassador to the UN, even though she virulently opposed his nomination in 2016.

How cute. She thinks this will endear her to the press.

That will never happen.

They hate her and want her to die.

On September 13, 2018, the New York Times reported, "Nikki Haley's View of New York Is Priceless. Her Curtains? $52,701."

The story began, "The State Department spent $52,701 last year buying customized and mechanized curtains for the picture windows in Nikki R. Haley's official residence as ambassador to the United Nations."

The story was wrong.

This was the doing of Obama.

The story in fact was leaked by a White House official in the Obama administration, Brett Bruen, who never told reporters that Obama did this, not Haley.

The Times later posted a note to its story online, "An earlier version of this article and headline created an unfair impression about who was responsible for the purchase in question. While Nikki R. Haley is the current ambassador to the United Nations, the decision on leasing the ambassador’s residence and purchasing the curtains was made during the Obama administration, according to current and former officials. The article should not have focused on Ms. Haley, nor should a picture of her have been used. The article and headline have now been edited to reflect those concerns, and the picture has been removed."

Too late.

The story had already appeared in print and dominated a news cycle. That is how the media works. Lie loudly but carry a small correction.

The Associated Press noted in its rewrite, "The ambassador’s residence was moved in 2016 from the Waldorf-Astoria after a Chinese insurance group bought the hotel."


Red Obama.

A couple of years later, Ambassador Haley has turned on President Trump again, which proves her deep and undying loyalty -- to Nikki Halley.

The Romney wannabe said, "We need to acknowledge he let us down. He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again."

That path led to 3.5% unemployment.

That path led to the addition of 600,000 manufacturing jobs, the first increase under a president since Reagan.

That path led to the first president not to start a war since Jerry Ford. Before that was Nixon. Before that, Eisenhower.

Covid 19 blew up that economy. In two months, the unemployment rate shot up from 3.5% to 14.7%, which made it the worst financial collapse in the nation's history.

But by the time his first term ended, President Trump had dropped the unemployment rate to 6.3%.

We will see how Chairman Xiden does.

There is one thing to learn in all this. Conservatives often make a newly elected woman or black person a superstar. But after witnessing Mia Love and others crash and burn as they turned on Donald Trump, we should adopt the 4 year rule and see how they pan out once in office.

Oh sure, defend Marjorie Taylor Greene or any other rookie who comes under vicious attack.

But beware because the rest of the story may surprise.
Posted by: Frank G 2021-02-14