
Terrorism accused 'a young dreamer'
A Sydney man charged with planning a terrorist attack on a Commonwealth building was a "young dreamer" seeking media attention, his lawyer says. Zeky Mallah, 21, has pleaded not guilty to three terrorism-related charges. He is alleged to have been planning to kill officials from spy agency ASIO or the Department of Foreign Affairs during a suicide attack on a Sydney building. In his opening remarks to the NSW Supreme Court, Mallah's defence counsel, Phillip Boulten SC, said his client had never had any intention of hurting anyone, including himself. He described Mallah as a young man who gained a lot of media attention when he was refused a passport in 2002. Mr Boulten said the actions that the prosecution had claimed were preparations for a terrorist attack were simply Mallah's attempts to sustain his time in the media spotlight. The trial continues.
Posted by: God Save The World 2005-03-22