
Biden's OMB Nominee in Peril
[FoxNews] Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said Monday that she will not support President Biden's nominee to lead the Office of Management and Budget, Neera Tanden, dealing another blow to the odds of confirmation.

"Congress has to be able to trust the OMB director to make countless decisions in an impartial manner, carrying out the letter of the law and congressional intent," Collins said in a statement on Monday. "Neera Tanden has neither the experience nor the temperament to lead this critical agency."

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said last week that he would oppose her nomination, partially because of her "overly partisan" statements and tweets. Collins also voiced concerns over Tanden's Twitter account.

"Ms. Tanden's decision to delete more than a thousand tweets in the days before her nomination was announced raises concerns about her commitment to transparency," Collins said. "Should Congress need to review documents or actions taken by OMB, we must have confidence that the Director will be forthcoming."
That's two public defections. Maybe Joe will appoint her OMB Czar?
"Neera Tanden=accomplished policy expert, would be 1st Asian American woman to lead OMB, has lived experience having benefitted from a number of federal programs as a kid, looking ahead to the committee votes this week and continuing to work toward her confirmation," White House press secretary Jen Psaki wrote on Twitter after Collin's announcement.
I beg your pardon?
"I think we are going to find the votes to get her confirmed," Biden said.
Posted by: Bobby 2021-02-23