
Iranian woman reportedly still hanged after she died while waiting for execution
Biden admin's best buddies being true to themselves.
[NYPost] An Iranian woman died of a heart attack while waiting to be executed — but her body was still hanged so her victim’s mother could watch, according to her lawyer.

Zahra Ismaili was awaiting her turn at the gallows last Wednesday for killing her husband, a senior agent in the Ministry of Intelligence whom she had accused of being abusive, according to The Times of London.

She dropped dead after being made to watch 16 men being hanged ahead of her, according to a message by her lawyer, Omid Moradi, shared by the UK paper and Iran Human Rights Monitor (HRM).

"Zahra’s heart stopped and she died before she was taken to the gallows," Moradi reportedly wrote, saying the official cause of death was listed as "cardiac arrest."

"They hanged her lifeless body, and the victim’s mother, Fatemeh Asal-Mahi, personally kicked the stool from under her feet so she could see her daughter-in-law’s corpse on the gallows for even a few seconds," he wrote in the since-deleted post, according to the outlets.
Posted by: Angaviter Flogum7218 2021-02-28