
We're All Europeans Now.
[ZERO] And that’s just the way the totalitarians in Europe want it.

The moment the Supreme Court abdicated its responsibility to even recognize Texas’ complaint against Pennsylvania was the moment the veneer of Constitutional authority in D.C. was removed.

With the Court cowed into political subservience and the presidency and the legislature secured there is nothing left of any Constitutional ’checks and balances’ left in D.C.

Now that the Democrat-controlled House is done embarrassing themselves with a sham impeachment of Donald Trump they can now get serious about consolidating power such that they never relinquish it.

It’s called H.R. 1 and it is, in the words of John Fund, "It is the worst piece of legislation I have even seen in my 40 years reporting from Washington."

I’m not going into the details of it here, Fund does a fine job of outlining them, along with Zerohedge. And whether this abortion of a bill passes through a filibuster in the Senate is irrelevant.

What is relevant is that this bill is a laundry list of changes to the electoral system of the U.S. to ensure single party rule for what’s left of the lifespan of the United States as a 50 entity compact among equals.

Oh, I’m sorry, that isn’t correct because not one of the current members of the Supreme Court believes that’s what the U.S. is anymore, a compact of equals.

If any of them did they would have argued for Texas’ right to sue Pennsylvania for its election law changes and heard the case under the court’s original jurisdiction.

Even if they’d thrown the case out on its merit that would have been somewhat acceptable, but to refuse to hear it was an insult to anyone with a passing acquaintance with the Constitution.

What Speaker Nancy Pelosi has done with this bill is to make manifest for the world to see that D.C. is ruled and operated by a mafia. And that mafia works for its own betterment, not those it rules over.

That’s been the very clear message since the election. Because election outcomes not controlled by the D.C. mafia are verboten.

Especially now that the plan to tear down and ’Build Back Better’ the global economy is in process. Nothing as tawdry and plebian as democracy and civilian input can be tolerated when such plans are afoot.

Americans are just now getting the memo that Europeans got repeatedly over the past two generations. The words of former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker echo through the corridors of the fabulously ugly EU headquarters in Brussels.
Posted by: Besoeker 2021-03-06