
U.S. Soldiers Hurt In Afghan Ambush
Four U.S. soldiers were wounded Saturday and two Afghan militia members were killed when they came under small arms fire during a reconnaissance mission in southeastern Afghanistan. The attack took place about 7 miles east of Khost in southeastern Afghanistan. The U.S. soldiers were evacuated to the main U.S. military base at Bagram, 30 miles north of the capital Kabul, for treatment. The injuries were not life-threatening. "Afghanistan and Coalition forces continue to conduct combat operations in Afghanistan to isolate and destroy al-Qaida and Taliban forces and to deny them sanctuary, the U.S. Central Command headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base,Fla.said in a statement.
Looks like they found some...
''Our forces took fire from a walled compound as they approached the area that was the objective,'' said a spokesman.
Hopefully the compound is now just a hole in the ground...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-07-27