
Report: Hunter Biden May Have Lied On Federal Background Check Form To Purchase A Gun
[Federalist] President Joe Biden’s second son Hunter Biden may have lied about his drug use on a Firearms Transaction Record he used to purchase a revolver in 2018, Politico reported after obtaining records and receipts concerning the transaction.

While lying on a federal government document is considered a felony, Hunter did not face an investigation over his answer.

The .38 revolver Hunter purchased soon became the center of a missing gun investigation, in which the Secret Service reportedly tried to interfere on behalf of the Biden family. Hunter’s gun reportedly went temporarily missing after his late brother’s wife and his then-love interest Hallie Biden threw it away in a trash can near a grocery store.

After police and the FBI arrived on the scene to question the couple, two Secret Service agents equipped with "badges and identification cards" reportedly visited the gun store and demanded the owner turn over the Firearms Transaction Record used during Hunter’s purchase. The owner, however, held onto the records until the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, which was authorized to review them, could get to them because he "suspected that the Secret Service officers wanted to hide Hunter’s ownership of the missing gun in case it were to be involved in a crime."
Posted by: Angemble Phusock7954 2021-03-26