
Cargo ship draws giant penis in Red Sea then becomes wedged in Suez Canal
[NYPOST] Hot dog, does this container ship have bad luck.

Before getting itself into a pickle by running aground in the Suez Canal, this unfortunate vessel drew one.

According to nautical tracking service VesselFinder, the massive Ever Given charted a route resembling a penis, testicles and an enormous butt in the Red Sea before it became stuck, causing an intercontinental traffic jam in the maritime artery.

As for the possibility that the vessel tracking site somehow conjured the data as a juvenile genital joke, "There is no room for some kind of conspiracies or false data," a spokesperson for the site told Vice.

"Innocent, but terrible luck," disinformation researcher John Scott-Railton captioned a tweet of the Ever Given's watery, X-rated route.
That, or someone is F'n with the NAV computer. Perhaps remotely.

Posted by: Mullah Richard 2021-03-26