
Plug's U.N. Ambassador Is Bad News for Christians
{Breitbart] President Biden’s choice of Linda Thomas-Greenfield as U.N. Ambassador is a disaster for persecuted Christians according to an article Thursday in the Christian Post.

Writer Hedieh Mirahmadi, a counter-terrorism expert and a convert from Islam to Christianity, declares that "Christian persecution may reach our own shores" if Thomas-Greenfield’s first official speech is an indicator of things to come.

In her address to the U.N. General Assembly last Friday, Thomas-Greenfield stumped for the Black Lives Matter movement and railed against systemic racism, insisting that "we need to dismantle white supremacy at every turn."

"Racism is the problem of the racist. And it is the problem of the society that produces the racist. And in today’s world, that is every society," she asserted.

"And in so many of our communities and countries, racism is endemic," she continued. "It’s built in, like a rot in a frame. And it remains, and it festers, and it spreads because many of those in charge allow it to. Others look away and pretend it’s not there. But like a cancer, if ignored, it grows."

Praising the 1619 Project, Thomas-Greenfield asserted that "slavery is the original sin of America. It’s weaved white supremacy and black inferiority into our founding documents and principles."
Posted by: Besoeker 2021-03-26