
Senate Dems Announce Racial Litmus Test for Biden Nominees
[Free Beacon] Democratic senators Tammy Duckworth (Ill.) and Mazie Hirono (Hawaii) announced a racial litmus test on Biden administration nominees, pledging to reject all "non-diversity" picks until the president promises to appoint Asian Americans to "key executive branch positions."

Duckworth relayed the decision to reporters on Tuesday afternoon. She called the lack of Asian-American representation in President Biden's cabinet "unacceptable," vowing to oppose all White House nominees "until they figure this out."

She also confirmed that she will now opposed top Pentagon pick Colin Kahl, whose nomination has already been delayed by Republicans. She noted, however, that her moratorium would not apply to "diversity" nominees supported by congressional minority caucuses or to LGBTQ nominees.

Hirono joined Duckworth's pledge Tuesday evening, calling the move "very serious" in light of Biden's "commitment" to appoint a diverse cabinet. While the Constitution does bar any religious test for high office, it does not mention a racial test.
Someone, anyone, tell me how this is NOT racism ?
Posted by: Besoeker 2021-03-26