
Zapatero urges alliance with Arab world
This article a few days old. Apologies if you've seen it already.
Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero urged Arab leaders to back his initiative to create an "alliance of civilisations" to crush terrorism and bridge the gap with the West.
"In fact, you're welcome to use al-Andalus to build that bridge. We understand it has sentimental value for you."
"We are in favour of a constructive dialogue between civilisations, peoples and religion," Zapatero said as he addressed the opening session of an Arab League summit in the Algerian capital. Everything must be done to "dominate misunderstandings between the Western world and Islam," he said.
"Misunderstandings." Check.
The goal of setting up an "alliance of civilisations" is aimed at forging ahead "toward consolidating a more just international order," Zapatero said.
"A more just international order." Check.
Zapatero unveiled the idea last September at the United Nations.
"Only the UN can fix this." Check.
His project is set to breathe new life into trans-Mediterranean dialogue and Barcelona is scheduled to stage a November summit to mark the 10th anniversary of the launching of the so-called Barcelona Process designed to that end. The process foresees the creation of a zone of political stability and economic prosperity, greater cooperation on social, cultural affairs and education, promotion of human rights and a joint fight against terrorism. A further aim is the creation of a trans-Mediterranean free trade zone by 2010.
Noble goals, all. More talk while the boomers run free.
Zapatero also condemned terrorism and said any attempt to link it to Islam "is a very serious error that only serves to multiply misunderstandings ... (and) to erect a wall more mighty than the Berlin Wall".
"Islam is a religion of peace. Anyone who sez different goes on the poop list." Check.
He also called for international support for the Palestinian leadership "to ensure a just peace with Israel".
"It's those damnable Jooos again. We just can't help ourselfs." Check, please.

Posted by: seafarious 2005-03-26