
Endocrine Society Scientific Statement: 'Two Sexes,' Male and Female
[BREITBART] The Endocrine Society, an international organization of over 18,000 endocrine clinical specialists and researchers, has released a scientific statement that asserts there are only two sexes — male and female — and that biological sex is measurable and is to be differentiated from gender identity.

The society explained in a blurb that "biological sex is often confused with gender in our society," and asserted:

The two sexes are differentiated as females, who have ovaries and produce eggs, and males, who have testes and produce sperm. In mammals, females typically have XX chromosomes and males typically have XY chromosomes. All sex differences in the zygote, or fertilized egg, stem from harboring two different sex chromosomes. Both sexes have all classes of reproductive hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, albeit at different levels. Differences in sexual development may result in a person’s biological sex not aligning with these traditional definitions.

Posted by: Fred 2021-04-09