
Why Russia shouldn't draw parallels between Donbass and Srebrenica
Direct translation of the article in regnum.ru
Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov on April 9 warned Ukraine that Russia will not stand aside if the situation "similar to the tragedy in Bosnian Srebrenica" repeats itself .... Recall that in July 1995, the city, previously declared by the UN Security Council as part of the "security zone", was taken by the army of the Bosnian Serbs.

According to the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, 7,000-8,000 adult men from the ranks of Bosnian Muslims were killed after the capture of the city. The authorities of the Republika Srpska in 2003 recognized responsibility for the killings of Muslims, and in 2019 the Serbian parliament condemned the massacre in Srebrenica, but refused to recognize it as genocide. In 2015, Great Britain padded to the UN Security Council a draft resolution on Srebrenica, recognizing the massacre as an act of genocide, but Russia vetoed this document.

Posted by: badanov 2021-04-17