
The Bay of Pigs 60th Anniversary‐And The Media-Democrat Cover-up Continues
[Townhall] "It was 60 years ago this week that an uncertain new president launched an ill-conceived military venture of astonishing naivety (italics mine)...1,400 U.S.-trained Cuban exiles would land at the Bay of Pigs...It was an unmitigated disaster...Kennedy had learned the hard way not to blindly trust the advice of his decorated military and intelligence chiefs," wrote Beltway media stalwart and former Democrat White House official Lawrence Hass in The Hill.

And yet again, rather than go through the trouble of concocting their own propaganda, communist Cuba’s KGB-founded and mentored media simply transcribed the U.S. beltway media....Think I exaggerate?

"It was 60 years ago this week that an uncertain new president (John F. Kennedy, JFK) launched an ill-conceived military venture of astonishing naivety.... 1,400 U.S.-trained Cuban exiles would land at the Bay of Pigs... Lawrence J. Hass, a U.S. expert on international relations, acknowledged on Monday that Washington's invasion of Cuba in Bay of Pigs was 'an ill-conceived military venture and an unmitigated disaster,'" Stalinist Cuba’s propaganda organ Prensa Latina published.

Between snickers 62 years earlier, Che Guevara explained the fascinating process seen so starkly above: "Much more valuable than rural recruits for our Cuban guerrilla force were American media recruits to export our propaganda," said Ernesto "Che" Guevara in1959.
Posted by: Besoeker 2021-04-17