
Somali fighting enters 2nd day
I guess "self-determination" includes being determined to kill each other. Remember to thank Emma Goldman when you reach the sweet bye-and-bye, boys...
Fighting in southern Somalia continued for a second straight day between militias run by two lawmakers in a dispute over where to locate the country's transitional government. Reports from Baidoa, located several nearly 300 kilometers west of Mogadishu, say fighters commanded by Mohamed Ibrahim Habsadeh took control of the city early Sunday after heavy fighting against forces aligned with Colonel Hassan Mohamed Nur Shargudud. The French news agency, AFP, reports that at least 15 people have been killed in two days of clashes. On Saturday, witnesses said at least five people were killed. In addition to the location of the transitional government, Mr. Habsadeh and Colonel Shargudud are engaged in a dispute over whether to allow neighboring countries to take part in a regional peacekeeping force.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-03-27