
Boomer targets military convoy
The daily Iraqi corpse count. Today brought to you by Gulf Daily News...
At least 16 Iraqis, including three members of a Shi'ite political party, were killed in the country's latest incidents of violence yesterday, police sources said.
  • A suicide car bomber blew himself up last night in the path of a US military convoy in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, said police, but it was not immediately known if there were any US casualties.

  • Three members of the Badr Organistion, a Shi'ite political grouping, were killed on the road near Baquba, 60km northeast of the capital. Gunmen in another car pulled alongside their vehicle and shot them.

  • Iraq military forces and police were also targets of the seemingly relentless insurgent attacks. Three Iraq soldiers were killed and three more were wounded in separate attacks in and around Baquba.

  • Further north, four police were killed and six were wounded when rebels assaulted their police station in Tal Afar with mortars and small arms fire, said Salah Mohammed, a doctor at the Tal Afar hospital.

  • One civilian was killed and six others wounded when fighting erupted in Tal Afar between insurgents and the Iraqi army after one of their convoys was hit with a roadside bomb near the town's water pumping station, said police and medical sources.

  • In further violence, security guards opened fire on employees protesting salary cuts at the ministry of science and technology, killing one and wounding three others.

  • Iraq's parliament, due to meet tomorrow, seemed far from a deal on a coalition government, as the country's ethnic and religious factions bickered nearly two months after Iraq's historic January 30 election. Parliament, which held its inaugural session on March 16, will try to put to a vote tomorrow the crucial three-man presidency council that will appoint the prime minister even if political parties cannot agree on the rest of the government, Shi'ite negotiators said.

  • Loyalists of Al Qaeda's Iraq frontman, Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, posted a video on their website yesterday showing the execution of a man who said he was an Iraqi colonel.

Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-03-28