
Dozens of detained Crimean Tatars moved from Crimea
Direct translation of the korrespondent.net article
53 arrested Crimean Tatars were taken from the annexed Crimea peninsula to the pre-trial detention center and prisons of the Russian Rostov-on-Don. On Sunday, April 25, reports Crimea with reference to lawyer Emil Kurbdenov.

"Dozens of military judges, military prosecutors, six hidden witnesses or even more, examinations, dozens of volumes of criminal cases - this is just what is now in Rostov-on-Don, where there are already more than 50 political prisoners (from Crimea - ed.) In the investigation the isolation wards pass through these millstones of the military court, "the lawyer said.

He specified that the Crimean Tatars were convicted and arrested for religious and political reasons.

As reported, on Thursday the FSB conducted searches in the houses of the Crimean Tatars in Crimea under the pretext of "conducting investigative actions" - allegedly the police received an anonymous call about the impending explosions on the peninsula.

More from korrespondent.net:
Ukrainians are illegally persecuted on political charges, some of them are military and Crimean Tatars. More than 250 people are considered missing.

In Russia, 114 Ukrainians are being illegally detained on political charges, of which 15 are in Crimea. Another 280 Ukrainians are being illegally detained in ORDLO. This was stated by Lyudmila Denisova in an interview with RBC-Ukraine on Thursday, April 22.

In total, 133 Ukrainians are prosecuted on political charges in the Russian Federation.

"Of these, 114 are in prison, of which 15 are in the temporarily occupied Crimea, 99 are directly in the Russian Federation. 66 people are sentenced to long terms, the remaining 48 are under trial and investigation. Most of them, 78 people, are citizens of Ukraine. of Crimean Tatar nationality, "Denisova said.

According to her, in the part of Donbass temporarily not controlled by the government, there are 236 civilians among illegal political prisoners, including four volunteers.

"Also - 40 servicemen (36 from the Armed Forces of Ukraine and 4 from the Ministry of Internal Affairs), as well as 4 members of volunteer battalions. And another 258 people are reported missing. This is the most relevant information at the moment," the Ombudsman summed up.

Earlier it became known how many residents of ORDLO received passports of the Russian Federation . The separatists are closing checkpoints under the guise of fighting the coronavirus, but in reality they are trying to widen the severance of ties with Ukraine, the ombudsman said.
Posted by: badanov 2021-04-26