
The Bryant Background You'll Never Hear
[Bayou Renaissance Man] Ma’Khia Bryant wasn't an innocent angel, and neither are her parents.

However, far from the innocent young ghirl portrayed by such activists, Ms. Bryant was trying to kill or seriously injure another person when she was shot. Her intended victim has since thanked the police for intervening. Ms. Bryant and her sister were in foster care at the time, which does not appear to have been a happy situation for either of them. Precisely why they were in foster care, rather than under their mother's care (which had presumably been found by the authorities to be inadequate or lacking in some way), has not been disclosed.

What's more, Ms. Bryant's mother - who's making the rounds of the news media protesting her late daughter's angelic and peaceful nature - emerges as anything but credible. The text below is taken from a long blog article that intersperses it with evidence - screenshots, photographs and videos - to prove the author's claims.

Paula Bryant blamed the cops for the death of her daughter while taking no accountability for herself, despite the fact that her troubled child was in foster care and instigated the entire incident which was all caught on film.

However, as it turns out Mom is a liar, her father was involved in the fight, and both of them have a long and documented criminal history.

Ma’Khia wasn’t on the honor roll at Independence High School, where she was far from the only child who had the misfortune of having parents who put apostrophes in their names.

She didn’t even enroll in the school until February.

Paula Bryant was charged in 2004 with domestic violence and assault. The charges were ultimately dismissed after she plead guilty on amended charges.

In 2010 she was charged with domestic violence, assault, and endangering children. She plead guilty on an amended charge.

Maybe if she didn’t assault people and endanger her own children then her child wouldn’t have been in foster care in the first place.

In the video you can see Ma’Khia storm out of the house and run one of the other girls over. You then see a man come out of nowhere and kick the girl in the head while she’s down as Ma’Khia goes to stab the girl in the pink.

That man is apparently her father Myron Hammonds, who’s a real gem himself.

Ma’Khia was having problems with the two girls she attacked because they used to live in the foster home, stopped by a lot, and criticized Ma’Khia for not making her bed and keeping the house clean. She reached her breaking point, and before someone called the cops she called up her father to help her take care of the other girls.

Myron Hammonds has had a warrant out for his arrest since January.

He has a long and documented criminal history.

He plays the loving Dad on his Facebook page, but he had to be taken to court to prove that he was the father.

Posted by: Mercutio 2021-04-28