
Bill Gates, Chalkdust Loving Philanthropy Tourist, Advises Denying India the Vaccine Formula.
[IndiaToday] Bill Gates has been in the headlines for several reasons since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The tech mogul was celebrated, mocked and even scathingly criticized for his stand on the production and distribution of a vaccine candidate for the novel disease. A new comment by Gates puts him in a bad light yet again, as the tech entrepreneur suggests not to share patented vaccines with other countries.

In an interview with Sky News, Bill Gates was asked if a change in intellectual property law be helpful in the current Covid crisis? The backing thought was to share the vaccine formula and production techniques with countries other than the US so as to enable localised production.

To the surprise (and shock) of many, Gates said no.

He provided a couple of reasons for his argument. One of these was the limited vaccine factories across the world. Another was the process of transferring the technology itself, which would not be very effective without the "grants" and "expertise" that the US has, as per Gates.

Both vague, uninspiring reasons and not true to the slightest of thought. But even if you start to consider them as legit challenges, it is what Gates said in the midst that ticked off the deafest of ears.

The fact that India is a vaccine manufacturing hub is known to the world. At the start of this year, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres hailed the country's vaccine production capacity as "the best asset that the world has today" in the fight against Covid-19. The backbone of this production is, anyway, a technology transfer between SII and AstraZeneca and not an individual effort to come up with a magic solution. So how Gates can point this out as a challenge is anybody's guess.
Posted by: Dron66046 2021-05-03