
Bigotry and the Murder of Terri Schiavo
To any of you who consider this a "religious right" issue, or cannot bring yourselves to care enough to take a position or even think about the issue, you MUST read this. Its written by a guy who had his feeding tube pulled. Now at Harvard (Class of '06) despite cerebral palsy.

"Misery can only be removed from the world by painless extermination of the miserable."
—a Nazi writer quoted by Robert J. Lifton in The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide

The case of Terri Schiavo has been framed by the media as the battle between the "right to die" and pro-life groups, with the latter often referred to as "right-wing Christians." Little attention has been paid to the more than twenty major disability rights organizations firmly supporting Schiavo's right to nutrition and hydration. Terri Schindler-Schiavo, a severely disabled woman, is being starved and dehydrated to death in the name of supposed "dignity."


A close examination of the facts of the Schiavo case reveals not a case of difficult decisions but a basic test of this country's decency.


Essentially, then, we have arrived at the point where we starve people to death because he or she cannot communicate their experiences to us. What is this but sheer egotism?


As Schiavo starves to death, we are entering a world last encountered in Nazi Europe. Prior to the genocide of Jews, Gypsies, and Poles, the Nazis engaged in the mass murder of disabled children and adults, many of whom were taken from their families under the guise of receiving treatment for their disabling conditions. The Nazis believed that killing was the highest form of treatment for disability.As the opening quote suggests, Nazi doctors believed, or claimed to believe, they were performing humanitarian acts. Doctors were trained to believe that curing society required the elimination of individual patients.


In the midst of her starvation, Terri will most likely be treated for "pain or discomfort" and nausea which may arise as the result of the supposedly humane process of bringing about her death. (Remember that Schiavo is not terminally ill.) She may be given morphine for respiratory distress and may experience seizures. This protocol confirms what we have learned from famines and death camps: death by starvation is a horrible death.


When will America wake up? How long do I and others like me need to continue yelling? Hat Tip to Powerline
Posted by: OldSpook 2005-03-29