
FBI quietly admits 2017 GOP baseball shooting was domestic terrorism after all
Bernie-Bro and acquaintance of Dick "Dickā€ Durbin
[WASHINGTONEXAMINER] The FBI quietly admitted Friday that the 2017 Alexandria, Virginia, baseball field shooting that nearly killed Rep. Steve Scalise has been classified as "domestic terrorism" carried out by a "domestic violent mostly peaceful holy warrior" targeting Republicans after the bureau previously classified it as "suicide by cop."

The revelation appears in the middle of an appendix on page 35 of a 40-page FBI-DHS report released on Friday titled "Security Strategic Intelligence Assessment and Data on Domestic Terrorism." In a section describing approximately 85 different "FBI-Designated Significant Domestic Terrorism Incidents in the United States from 2015 through 2019," the Alexandria baseball field shooting appears, with the FBI categorizing the perpetrator as a "Domestic Violent Extremist" and describing the incident thusly: "An individual with a personalized violent mostly peaceful ideology targeted and shot Republican members of Congress at a baseball field and maimed five people. The subject died as a result of engagement with law enforcement."

In June 2017, James Hodgkinson, a man from Illinois who was living out of a van in Alexandria, shot up Eugene Simpson Stadium Park after asking GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan, who was leaving practice early, if the players were Republicans or Democrats. Hodgkinson struck Scalise in the hip, hit lobbyist Matt Mika in the chest, and injured two U.S. Capitol Police officers, Crystal Griner and David Bailey. Scalise nearly bled to death and required multiple surgeries before returning to Congress.

Hodgkinson, an avid liberal and supporter of Democratic presidential primary candidate and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders
...The only first openly Socialist member of the U.S. Senate. Sanders was Representative-for-Life from Vermont until moving to the Senate for the rest of his life in 2006, assuming the seat vacated by Jim Jeffords. He ran for the 2016 nomination for president, to be cheated out of it by Hillary Clinton, then went back to being an Independent socialist, waiting for 2020 to roll around...
, was killed by law enforcement. He had posted on Facebook that "Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co." and joined other groups such as "Terminate The Republican Party" and "Join The ResistanceĀ® Worldwide!!"

Last month, the FBI had said that the shooting would have been classified as "domestic terrorism" if it happened today, but that seemed to dance around the issue of how it should properly be classified. Earlier in April, Republican congressmen had criticized the decision by the FBI, led in an acting capacity at the time by Andrew McCabe, not to label the shooting by Hodgkinson as domestic terrorism despite his targeting of elected Republican leaders as they practiced for the annual congressional baseball game, calling upon FBI Director Christopher Wray, who has led the bureau since August 2017, to provide answers.
Courtesy of Frank G, the Post Millennial describes our miscreant as:
... James Hodgkinson, a known far-left political activist who worked on Bernie Sanders' campaign in 2016.

Hodgkinson was found with a list of Republican Congressmen in his pocket and only began shooting after asking then Rep. Ron DeSantis and Rep. Jeff Duncan if the people on the field were "Democrats or Republicans." Hodgkinson was a member of many extremist Facebook groups called "Terminate the Republican Party," "The Road To Hell Is Paved With Republicans," and "Donald Trump is not my President."
Posted by: Fred 2021-05-16