
Photolog: The oldest wooden church in Russia
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By Vladimir Stanulevich

[Regnum] Lavia is not only a beautiful place on the slopes of a wide ravine where the river flows, but also a significant historical place in the Russian North. Here in the 14th century the Novgorod posadnitsa Anastasia founded the Assumption Monastery on the burial site of her brother Stephen . It is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, in the Arkhangelsk region. In 1340, the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan I Kalita granted the monastery the Gospel, which was later named after the monastery in whose library it was kept, Siiskiy. Or the Siysk of 1340, since there is a second, magnificent Siysk Gospel of 1693.

The Aprakos Gospel of 1340 is the oldest Moscow manuscript, sheet-sized, written on parchment in direct charter and decorated with one headpiece and two miniatures. One miniature depicts the adoration of the Magi to the Theotokos, the second - Christ with the apostles.

The Gospel has retained the names of scribes, clerks Melentiy and Prokosha, and the artist who left his name in the inscription on the ornament: "Lord, help the sinful John write the sik gate . " The manuscript contains mesyatseslov where months but today is now the Roman names are and the name of the Slavic -.. Ryuin, falling leaves, jelly, etc. On the last page the author states that the manuscript was written in 6847 year "in the city of Moscow" , "poveleniem rabom Bozhiim Ananiyu Chernets ” - by the Moscow Grand Duke Ivan Kalita, who took monastic vows in the last year of his life and went “ to the Dvina to the Holy Mother of God ” .

When the Lyavlensky monastery in 1633 was attributed to the Anthony-Siya monastery, the Gospel was taken to Sia. The transfer of the monastery under the authority of Sia was accompanied by a scandal. In 1632, a priest from Nyonoksa, Pavel Kochurov, asked Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich for a letter of permission to serve him in Lyavl in a church that was supposedly empty.

And he hid the fact that there was a monastery here, and drove out the brethren. The abbot of the monastery Job and the brethren appealed to the tsar that “priest Paul falsely took the letter to serve,” and now the elders “walk between the courtyard, starving to death, there is no one to come to repentance and bury”. The elders asked to send them a monk from the Siysk monastery to help them, and "priest Paul should not be ordered to stay with them . " So Lyavia became the fiefdom of the Siysk monastery.

The only building left from the ancient monastery is the Nikolskaya Church built in 1584. This is the oldest wooden church in Russia. Another story is connected with the Nikolskaya Church, under which, according to legend, is the grave of the mayor's brother Anastasia Stefan - by 1844 it fell into disrepair, they were going to demolish it.

The Arkhangelsk military governor Marquis Traversay visited the temple and decided to repair it at his own expense. One can guess about the reasons for this decision, they said that the reason for it was the illness of his son and the vision of the wife of the Marquis that the son would recover if the church in Lyavle was repaired.

Posted by: badanov 2021-05-30