
Slow Joe Putting Kamala in Charge of Voting Legislation
[HotAir] Ah, that’s nice of him. Something new for her to fail at instead of just failing to ease the border crisis.

"To signify the importance of our efforts, today I’m asking Vice President Harris to help these efforts and lead them among her many other responsibilities," Biden said. "With her leadership and your support, we’re going to overcome again, but it’s going to take a hell of a lot of work."
If she does as well at this as she did with the border we should be just fine.
Biden called the challenges to voting rights in recent months a "truly unprecedented assault on our democracy." Georgia, Florida and Arizona, all competitive states in the 2020 election, have seen Republican-led legislatures drastically overhaul voting procedures. Texas is looking to pass a similar law, though Democratic lawmakers there managed to thwart its passage over the weekend.

Why does Biden want Harris in charge of voting rights? What’s she going to bring to the table to dislodge Joe Manchin’s and Kyrsten Sinema’s opposition to ending the filibuster, the only chance Dems have of passing a bill?

Not much. She’s the highest-ranking African-American official in the administration so having her as the face of the effort makes it even easier symbolically for the White House to frame the GOP’s new voting laws as essentially racist. Harris is a former senator too, of course, so in theory she has relationships in the chamber she could leverage to move votes. But she was in the Senate only four years; if anyone’s in a position to gladhand former colleagues in the interest of getting something passed, it’s Biden, not Harris. Besides, Joe Manchin is the key vote here and Manchin has already gotten annoyed once before at Harris for trying to strong-arm him on legislation.

Perhaps anticipating her new role, she told MSNBC this morning that she "eats ’no’ for breakfast." Well, she has a large breakfast waiting for her in the Senate.

Posted by: Deacon Blues 2021-06-02