
PA seeks calm after Ramallah rampage
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas held a series of meetings in his office Thursday with commanders of the PA security forces to discuss ways of restoring order to the city following Wednesday night's shooting attack on the "presidential" Mukata compound.
"Hmmmm. Shall we bust a few heads, jug the rest, and make a statement on teevee that this type of behavior is unacceptable and will result in severe penalties? Or shall we blame the Jooos?" ........ "Never mind."
Dozens of Fatah gunmen went on a shooting rampage in the city, beating passersby and smashing furniture inside some of the city's prestigious restaurants, including Darna and Bardouni. The gunmen also beat some diners and waiters, forcing them to flee. Eyewitnesses identified the assailants as members of Fatah's armed wing, Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades. They said the gunmen, who were carrying automatic rifles and handguns, shouted slogans against Abbas as they attacked the restaurants, which are usually frequented by senior PA officials and their families. "We are living in a jungle," the owner of one of the restaurants told The Jerusalem Post. "These men think they are above the law and everyone is afraid of them."
What law is that?
The attack started shortly after 11 p.m. when scores of gunmen arrived at the Mukata and demanded to meet face-to-face with Abbas. When the guards refused to let them in, the gunmen opened fire at one of the buildings inside the Mukata, but no one was hurt. Abbas, who was holding a meeting with top security officials in his office, later left the compound under heavy security. According to a senior Abbas adviser, the PA chairman was "enraged" by the behavior of the gunmen and ordered the security forces to arrest all those involved in the incident. The gunmen then marched towards the city center, shooting into the air and beating several passersby and merchants. They also went on the rampage inside five restaurants and cafes, beating customers and workers. "They behaved like a mafia," a waiter at one of the restaurants said. "They destroyed everything inside the restaurant and attacked some of the men and women who were there. You see such things only in cowboy movies." The waiter and several eyewitnesses said PA policemen who arrived at the scene failed to interfere to stop the attack. "They were clearly afraid of the gunmen," he added.
Posted by: gromgoru 2005-04-01