
Judge orders Virginia gym teacher to be reinstated after he was suspended for refusing to allow biological boys to compete as girls because transgender policy went against his Christianity
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • Byron Tanner Cross, 38, was suspended from Leesburg Elementary in Loudoun County, Virginia, two weeks ago, after speaking at a school board meeting

  • He was arguing over two policies put in place by the public school board: one mandating teachers use the pronouns a transgender child identifies with

  • The other one would allow transgender kids to take part in sports with the gender they identify with

  • The second one also allows kids to use the locker room and bathroom of the gender they identify with

  • Cross had filed a restraining order and temporary injunction, demanding his job back and asking that his views not be censored again

  • Judge James E. Plowman ordered the school district to restore Cross' job

  • The temporary injunction is set to stay in place until December 31 unless any alterations are agreed to before then

  • If either side wants a trial, the judge says they must start that process by June 16

  • Plowman suggested that the school district would lose a case against Cross at trial, arguing that Cross' First Amendment rights were impacted adversely
Courtesy of DarthVader, PJ Media has more on the story here.

Posted by: Skidmark 2021-06-09