
UNRWA accidently gives $ to a struggling synagogue in Jerusalem - satire

June 9; A congregation that had struggled to meet its fundraising target toward a new facility now finds itself with an excess of money after repackaging its appeal as a plea to "help a house of worship with construction after Israel's devastating bombardment in Gaza," an ambiguous phrase that international organizations simply assumed referred to a bombed-out mosque in Gaza and sent generous amounts with characteristic lack of oversight.

UNESCO, UNRWA, and three international aid organizations cut checks totaling more than $30M to Kol Rina that will allow the synagogue to construct an opulent new building with a large main sanctuary, a catering hall with kitchen, a library, a beit midrash (study hall), several classrooms, office space, and playrooms for childcare during services.
Posted by: Lord Garth 2021-06-09