
Iran makes gas centrifuges
WASHINGTON, March 31 (UPI) -- Iran was quietly making gas centrifuges at a site in Tehran that was later detected by international inspectors, says a report released Thursday. A Washington-based anti-nuclear proliferation group, the Institute for Science and International Security, said Iran established the facility called Kalaye Electric in 1995.
The Persian name, which means "electric goods," was chosen to mislead people about the real purpose of the site, said Corey Hinderstein, a deputy director at the institute who researched the Iranian site. "They have been using the site to research, develop and manufacture gas centrifuges for uranium enrichment," Hinderstein said. The centrifuges can also be used for enriching weapon-grade uranium. The United States believes Iran is secretly working on a project to make nuclear weapons. Iran denies the charge.
Hinderstein said Iran had to reveal the real purpose of the site when international pressure forced it to allow inspectors from the U.N. nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, to visit Kalaye Electric in May 2003. Samples collected by the IAEA inspectors from the site but " had signs of uranium," she said.
That last sentance is mangled in this story. From UPI source:
Initially Iranians were reluctant to allow the inspectors to collect samples from the site but "they have now come clean and allowed IAEA inspectors to take samples and some of these samples had signs of uranium," she said.
Posted by: Steve 2005-04-01