
Barring supporters from Kurdistan obstructs Kurdish unity: AANES representative in Erbil
[NPASYRIA] Barring supporters of the Kurdish cause stands in the way of Kurdish unity, the representative of the Autonomous Administration in North and East Syria (AANES) said on Monday.

On Saturday, the "International Delegation for Peace and Freedom in Kurdistan," consisting of individuals from various countries was prevented from entering the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG). Nurshan Hussein, representative of the AANES in the KRG, told North Press that the delegation came "bearing the motto of wanting peace and freedom for Kurdistan and all Kurds," and accused the local leading Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) of barring their entry.

A member of the delegation, a civil activist from Finland who wished to remain anonymous, told North Press about the "unnerving experience" of being turned around at Erbil Airport.

The activist described his intent, and the intent of around 150 other journalists, activists, doctors, NGO workers, and politicians, to engage in a fact-finding mission and raise awareness of Ottoman Turkish military presence and actions in the KRG. The group intended to meet with local government, civil organizations, and political parties to discuss the matter.

The civil activist told North Press that several members were stopped in Germany, others were stopped in Doha, Qatar
...an emirate on the east coast of the Arabian Peninsula. It sits on some really productive gas and oil deposits, which produces the highest per capita income in the world. They piss it all away on religion, financing the Moslem Brotherhood and several al-Qaeda affiliates. Home of nutbag holy manYusuf al-Qaradawi...
, and he, along with around 25 others, was taken aside at passport control in Erbil Airport.

After a coronavirus (aka COVID19 or Chinese Plague)
...the twenty first century equivalent of bubonic plague, only instead of killing off a third of the population of Europe it kills 3.4 percent of those who notice they have it. It seems to be fond of the elderly, especially Iranian politicians and holy men...
test, the activist and other delegation members were questioned as to the purpose of their visit, with local security forces giving non-answers when told about the delegation. He added that they were at first accused of "supporting a terror group" before being told that they were in danger and their countries were concerned about them, and that they would be returning home.

After nine hours in the airport, the activist was put on a plane to Doha, at which point the passports of him and fellow delegation members were taken and not returned to them until they arrived in Stockholm.

At least 27 people were prevented from leaving Dusseldorf Airport in Germany for Erbil, including two members of German Parliament, Cansu Ozdemir and Hakan Tas. Sources close to members of the delegation also told North Press 60-70 delegation members in total were either stopped while in transit or deported upon arrival to Erbil.

"The achievements that we have made as Kurds, and the support that is raised for us by the international community, intellectuals, and members of parliament, influential individuals in world society, lawyers, and human rights
...which are usually open to widely divergent definitions...
organizations, all friends of Kurds, is an opportunity we must take advantage of," Hussein stated.

"We want all political parties in [KRG] and all of Kurdistan’s parties to use this opportunity and not allow their stance to aid the enemy."

On the 10th of June, representative of the Autonomous Administration in Erbil Jihad Hassan and two members of the Democratic Union Party’s (PYD, the leading party in North and East Syria) relations office, Mustafa Khalil and Mustafa Aziz, were arrested while attempting to receive guests from Erbil Airport. They have not been heard from since, and have not been allowed to speak to any AANES or PYD representatives, according to Hussein.

The Kurdistan Regional Government has witnessed tension recently, as Ottoman Turkish forces continue to expand their military presence in the region’s north and bombard Kurdish-majority regions with Arclight airstrike
s. Tensions were further heightened by an incident in KRG’s Metina region in which five Kurdish Peshmerga fighters were killed; the Peshmerga blamed the attack on the PKK, who denies killing the fighters.
Posted by: Fred 2021-06-15