
MEMRI: Paleos to Reinstate Executions
Since the Palestinian Authority was established, dozens of citizens have been found guilty of treason by its civil, military, and state security courts. The offenses have included passing information to foreign countries, murder and rape. Many of the guilty Palestinian civilians have been sentenced to death by firing squad. However, to date only a few of these death sentences have actually been carried out. prolly saving the bullets for joos.

According to the Basic Palestinian Law, which serves as the interim Palestinian constitution, "the death sentence will not be carried out by any court except after being approved by the president of the Palestinian National Authority." During his rule, previous PA Chairman Yasser Arafat approved a small number of executions; now, the cases of those condemned to death await the approval of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen). so the chairman approves the executions, not a member of the judiciary. how progressive

Approval of Executions in the Context of the PA's Reform Program
Recently, a number of leading Palestinian officials announced the PA's intention to carry out pending death sentences. Northern Gaza Governor Sakhr Bsiso announced that Abu Mazen recently approved [the carrying out of] a number of death sentences. As the Palestinian Justice Minister Farid Al-Jallad explained, "The PA will carry out the death penalty with regard to a number of Palestinians accused of collaboration and passing information to Israel." ohhhhh so THAT'S who gets executed first. I sorta figured they'd go after murderers and rapists. silly me. heh. Military Justice System Director Saeb Al-Qidwa even announced that "the executions will be carried out by the security apparatuses, under the supervision of the civil and military judicial apparatuses."
This is some crowd, eh Yussuf?
Yer not kiddin' Achmed
Been a long time since we've seen a good execution, y'know? Gives a Believer a warm feeling all over.
yeah. if only it was a joo.

It should be noted that the Palestinian Minister of Justice Farid Al-Jallad and the Mufti of the PA Ikrima Al-Sabri explained that those who were sentenced to death, especially those sentenced by military courts for expedited justice and state security courts that were abolished in July 2003, can turn to the Palestinian cabinet to request a retrial. According to Al-Jallad, the Palestinian Ministry of Justice has already received two such requests.
expedited justice. heh.

The Palestinian factions and the families of the crime victims have been pressuring the PA to carry out the executions. Thus, for example, on February 5, 2005, a group of some 100 gunmen burst into a Palestinian Legislative Council session in Gaza, expelled the police personnel who were present, and took over the building. According to an investigation of the incident by the Al-Mezan Human Rights Center, the gunmen were representing a group of families who had lost members in violent incidents in the PA, and they had burst into the building to pressure the PA to execute their relatives' murderers. According to the investigation's findings, the group left the building after a brief meeting between Abu Mazen and the heads of the families.

The Union of Palestinian Ulama urged Abu Mazen to quickly approve the executions "in order to prevent bloodshed, to curb the domestic social situation, and to act to guarantee security and the stability of the regime."
that is one of the scariest sentences I have ever read: approve executions to maintain order.
Posted by: PlanetDan 2005-04-01