
'Hopelessly divided' Supreme Court defies narrative with another unanimous opinion
[USATODAY] Writing for the Court, Chief Justice John Roberts held "The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents...violates the First Amendment."

It is a major win for religious rights and the Court spoke as one in reversing the lower courts with a strong majority opinion and concurring opinions. It also adds strength to other pending cases, including yet another case involving the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado to make cakes celebrating LGBT events.

After winning a narrow decision before the Supreme Court
...the political football known as The Highest Court in the Land, home of penumbrae and emanations...
in 2018, Jack Phillips was pursued by critics to make additional cakes and create the basis for another challenge. They may now regret that decision if Phillips builds on the earlier narrow ruling to secure another major ruling not just on religious freedom but free speech grounds.

The Court continues to frustrate critics who insist that it is dysfunctional, divided and needs to be radically changed from packing the Court with a liberal majority to actually creating a new court for constitutional rulings like the Fulton case.

For example, Professor Kent Greenfield argued that "the Supreme Court has become too partisan and unbalanced to trust it with deciding the most important issues of our day."

The Court itself however is not cooperating with this inconvenient line of unanimous decisions.The fact is that most of the opinions of the Court are not ideologically divided. Indeed, Justice Stephen Breyer recently objected to those calling the Court "conservative" and opposed those demanding that Congress pack the Court to achieve an immediate liberal majority.

Posted by: Fred 2021-06-19