
Biden To Go Down As The Great Enabler Of Modern-Day Slave Trade
[Headline USA] "We're finally now getting to the point where we're going to be addressing the original sin of this country, 400 years old," candidate Joe Biden told Wisconsin voters in September 2020, "slavery and all the vestiges of it."

On his first day in office, President Biden signed an executive order that cited "the Civil War and the abolition of slavery."

A presidential proclamation in March decried "the damaging legacy of slavery," while another, on June 1, lamented the "unconscionable hardships of slavery."

Joe Biden clearly opposes the slavery of 1619-1865. As well he should.

Too bad he facilitates the slavery of 2021.

"Biden's open-border policies have produced the largest human-trafficking operation since the international slave trade," Rep. Tom McClintock, R- Calif., told me. "To the extent that immigrants are forced to labor as indentured servants to the crime cartels, these policies have reintroduced slavery into the United States."

During a June 10 House Judiciary Committee hearing, McClintock asked FBI Director Christopher Wray, "So we basically, 170-plus years after the 13th Amendment have slavery burgeoning in this country as a result of these policies?"

"I do consider human trafficking a modern form of slavery," Wray agreed. "I mean, it's almost medieval."

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted in 1865. This provision drove the final stake into the heart of human bondage in America:

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Today, 156 years after that language entered the Constitution, it's being trampled beneath a flow of humanity that resembles traffic on the northbound San Diego Freeway.

From Jan. 1 through May 31 (2021), Customs and Border Protection reported 711,567 land encounters with illegal aliens on the U.S. & Mexico border versus 148,075 during a similar time-span last year - an increase of 380.5%.
Posted by: Bill the Weasel5085 2021-06-20