
Matt Taibbi: Internet censorship - taking down Ivermectin interviews
[Substack] At the worst moment, Internet censorship has driven scientific debate itself underground

"I’m a doctor. My job isn’t to do nothing. If I wanted to do nothing, I’d be selling shampoo," Hazan says. When patients got really sick, she tried everything, treating off-label with a number of drugs in combination, including ivermectin. Eventually, she ended up taking it upon herself to run clinical trials with repurposed, off-patent drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, fearing that the lack of a profit angle would prevent a major corporate effort in that direction.

"I felt, no one is going to be investigating a cheap solution, so I did it myself," she says.

Some weeks ago, Hazan got up early on a Sunday to present findings to a group of physicians that included Dr. Kylie Wagstaff, one of the physicians in the first in vitro ivermectin study, a family doctor in Zimbabwe named Jackie Stone, and others.

She uploaded the talk on YouTube, and "lo and behold, it got taken down. It’s amazing. These are doctors talking. It’s not anyone selling anything."
Posted by: Lord Garth 2021-06-21