
Pelosi: 'Root Causes' of Capitol 'Insurrection' Were 'White Supremacy, Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia'
Voting in a veto-proof Republican majority in both Houses of Congress would be the very best revenge, even if that requires accepting a few RINOs instead of the nearly identical Democrats. The lady absolutely reflects the character and abilities of the voters who elected her.
[PJMEDIA] Nancy San Fran Nan Pelosi
Congresswoman-for-Life from the San Francisco Bay Area, born into a family of professional politicians. On-again-off-again Speaker of the House. It's not her fault when they lose, but it's her accomplishment when they win. Noted for her heavily botoxed grimace and occasional senior... uhhh... moments...
spoke today about "the root causes" of the January 6 Capitol riot: "the white supremacy
...the pernicious doctrine that laws were intended to be obeyed, that society works better when people don't pour shreiking from their places of worship every Friday for a weekend of rioting over insults real or imagined; and that cannibalism, beastiality, incest, murder, theft, rape, and similar activities are bad. A Dead White European (which invalidates his opinion) philosopher once opined that societies thrive when a person's word can be relied upon, and that a society which puts individual happiness first will invariably fail. Strangely enough, other successful societies, such as China, Japan, Korea, and those kinds of places could also be lumped with white supremacist societies, since they push the same values...
, the anti-Semitism, the Islamophobia
...the irrational fear that Moslems will act the way they usually do...
, all the rest of it that was so evident when you see a sweatshirt on one of the people saying, ’Camp Auschwitz.’" She repeated the common and yet completely unsubstantiated claim that the Capitol incident constituted an "insurrection," and once again claimed that Trump "incited" the "insurrection," in flagrant disregard for the fact that Trump told the demonstrators to remain peaceful. Her list of the three "root causes" of this sham "insurrection" were, in effect, a list of those that she and the Biden Justice Department intend to go after, and the charges they will hang over their heads in the Stalinist show trials that could be in the offing.

As many have pointed out, this was no insurrection. No one has even been charged with such an offense. The protesters were unarmed. The claim that they used a fire extinguisher to murder a police officer, although repeated far and wide, has been completely debunked. The idea that the great mass of people who entered the Capitol on January 6 and stood around snapping pictures and gawking at statues were there to overthrow the government at the behest of a rogue president is a paranoid Leftist fantasy, not a reality.

And it’s a paranoid Leftist fantasy with a purpose. The Capitol riot is really Leftists’ Reichstag Fire moment, and they’re clearly going to use it to demonize, stigmatize, and silence all opposition to their agenda. Pelosi’s inclusion of the terms "anti-Semitism" and "Islamophobia" among the root causes of the riot makes that clear. The protesters who entered the Capitol building weren’t there because they hated Jews or Moslems or anyone else. The protests weren’t remotely about such matters. The protesters were in Washington to demonstrate against an election that was marred by numerous obvious irregularities, and which is still being investigated as a result, despite the establishment media’s furious efforts to brand all questioning of the election’s integrity as a "Big Lie." If it were a Big Lie, there wouldn’t be such massive evidence of voter fraud, or audits going on in several key states and possibly more to come.

Posted by: Fred 2021-06-26