
Newspaper Colludes With Dems to Doxx, Run Hit Piece Against Opponent of Critical Race Theory
There are few things more exciting to local news journalists than when their coverage area serves as a topic of national discussion. Whether it’s positive or negative, local newspapers and news channels often jump at the opportunity to use their personal connections to participate in the story. It’s natural.

But when the topic of discussion is one that is ideologically opposed to the newsroom in general — and in much of America, that newsroom ideology is often leftist — activist journalists tend to "defend their territory" by being adamantly opposed to the point of contention. In the case of The News Tribune, a local Tacoma-area newspaper, they felt the need to collude with local Democrats to attack conservative journalist Christopher Rufo.

Their hit piece attacking Rufo and defending Critical Race Theory is rife with inaccuracies. First and foremost, the very notion the CRT "is a legal doctrine, encountered mostly at the graduate level" is ludicrous prima facie. One does not need to be a top-notch investigative journalist to know that CRT is spreading across the country and being taught in grade schools on up. It takes the highest degrees of gaslighting skill to claim anything otherwise with a straight face.

As for their perspectives on Rufo being the "architect of the campaign" attacking Critical Race Theory, they’re doing what a few leftist publications have done. They want to isolate and attack a singular messenger rather than address the message itself. Rufo is a great journalist and has been on top of this from the beginning, but to call him the architect of the campaign to suppress the Neo-Marxist ideologies taught through Critical Race Theory would be like calling CNN
...formerly the Cable News Network, now who know what it might stand for...
’s Jake Tapper the architect of the Russian-collusion story. Yes, both have been loud about their particular pet projects but neither can be considered the architect.

The article goes on to "doxx" Rufo as a local Gig Harbor citizen. This is dangerous, especially when we consider the radical progressive activity in the area that has caused physical harm to conservative journalists in the past. But they didn’t just "doxx" him. They pulled in local Democrats to demonize him. From the article:

"A white guy working out of a home studio in Gig Harbor is behind all the scripted talking points and drama you hear about CRT," wrote Justin Camarata, a former Tacoma city council member and chair of the 27th District Democrats, on his Twitter feed.

"It was certainly surprising," said Jennifer Butler, a Peninsula School Board candidate. "It was a very fascinating article, and when I got to the part where it said Gig Harbor, I went, ’Whoa, well there you go. ... These conversations are happening all over the country."

The twin stories painted Rufo, who moved to Gig Harbor from Seattle last year, as a conservative criminal mastermind who has nearly single-handedly convinced millions of alarmed Americans — including former President Donald Trump
...His ancestors didn't own any slaves...
— that children are being taught their country is irredeemably evil and racist, and that white people should feel guilt and shame about their race.

This is worse than bad activist journalism or dangerous doxxing. This is a series of lies used to perpetuate a blatantly false narrative while building a bogeyman to attack along the way. The News Tribune should retract this harmful story immediately.
Posted by: Chinter Thrailing9515 2021-07-02