
Gallery Showing Hunter Biden Paintings is Vandalized
[WashingtonExaminer] A man accused of vandalizing Hunter Biden's art gallery and attacking an employee has been arrested, police say.

Rodrick Webber, 47, was detained at approximately 3:40 p.m. Friday at the George Burgess Art Gallery in the SoHo neighborhood of New York City after he defaced artwork inside the gallery, representatives for the New York Police Department said in an email to the Washington Examiner.

Webber allegedly spray-painted the word "Daddy" on a wall inside the gallery, damaging a painting worth $14,500...
I think there was no damage to any of Hunter's paintings
Not that physical damage would reduce their artistic value, and might actually add to their sales price — now they’d have an interesting story.

Posted by: Lord Garth 2021-07-11