
Another CBS lie - the Schiavo Poll - Zobgy Kills CBS
Polls leading up to the death of Terri Schiavo made it appear Americans had formed a consensus in favor of ending her life. However, a new Zogby poll with fairer questions shows the nation clearly supporting Terri and her parents and wanting to protect the lives of other disabled patients.

The Zogby poll found that, if a person becomes incapacitated and has not expressed their preference for medical treatment, as in Terri's case, 43 percent say "the law presume that the person wants to live, even if the person is receiving food and water through a tube" while just 30 percent disagree.

Another Zogby question his directly on Terri's circumstances.

"If a disabled person is not terminally ill, not in a coma, and not being kept alive on life support, and they have no written directive, should or should they not be denied food and water," the poll asked.

A whopping 79 percent said the patient should not have food and water taken away while just 9 percent said yes.

The poll found that 49 percent of Americans believe there should be exceptions to the right of a spouse to act as a guardian for an incapacitated spouse. Only 39 percent disagreed.

When asked directly about Terri's case and told the her estranged husband Michael "has had a girlfriend for 10 years and has two children with her" 56 percent of Americans believed guardianship should have been turned over to Terri's parents while 37 percent disagreed.

Kinda Looks like that CBS Poll that said 70% supported the court starving her to death was a bit in error... especially since they as liberals do, slanted the questions and withheld the WHOEL truth of the matter. Wanna bet we never hear a peep about the TRUTH as shown by this poll? The left and those who killed Terri were wrong, and the people of the US know it. Read the whole article, especially those of you who were in favor or neutral. And Hugh Hewitt - PAY ATTENTION - and talk about this on your show dammit!
Posted by: OldSpook 2005-04-05