
Penny Nance: Intel community targets Americans – what I learned from FBI's 'assessment' of me, my organization
[FoxNews]... according to The New York Times

...which still proudly displays Walter Duranty's Pulitzer prize...

, between 2009 and 2011, the FBI opened 82,325 assessments, eventually moving forward for an official investigation of only 3,315. Of course, most or maybe all of those did not result in convictions.

The agency has refused to provide CATO Institute with updated numbers. How many assessments have taken place in the past 10 years without Americans even knowing they are being targeted?

This policy change was purportedly made to monitor terrorists. So, why was an organization of God-fearing, freedom-loving, hard-working, taxpaying women scrutinized? 

The FBI’s documented reason for CWA’s "assessment" was that we were listed with two stars under Charity Navigators. Seriously? Is this what the FBI has been reduced to, searching online for charity ratings?

For the record, CWA has three stars with Charity Navigators, an unblemished record with Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and clean audits every single year since our founding. Our financial record is spotless. 

We will probably never know why this really happened but the timing, June of 2016, would suggest that it may have had something to do with my personal support for then-presidential candidate Donald Trump
...His ancestors didn't own any slaves...
. It is an undisputed fact that the FBI circumvented the law in their zeal to get information on President Trump.

In the end and unsurprisingly, the "assessment" of CWA was closed without any finding of wrongdoing, but that’s not the point. We should not have been targeted in the first place. 

We should all be worried about the ability and hubris of a politicized FBI to invade and target American citizens and organizations out of favor with those in power. A citizen’s engagement in the political process, support for a presidential candidate, or a trip to Trump Tower should not draw the ire of the FBI. 

We call on Congress to clamp down on the trampling of our civil liberties using perhaps well-intentioned but overly indulgent rules. The American people deserve better. We demand better. 
Posted by: Skidmark 2021-07-19