
The Left's Contempt for the Masses
[American Thinker] Karl Marx is often portrayed as the hero of the masses. After all, he believed in the creation of a "worker's paradise" following the temporary reign of the "vanguard of the proletariat" — that small, highly educated, elite group that would rule in the interests of the workers until such time as they were capable of ruling for themselves. In Russia, that was 73 years and counting.

Wherever a Marxist revolution has taken place, that "vanguard" has decided that its reign should be permanent and in its own interests. Communist elites enslave workers just as the Democratic Party does in cities like Baltimore and Chicago. In communist states like the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China, North Korea, and communist Cuba and Venezuela, small bands of communists seized power but refused to cede it. When the people protest, as they are now doing in Cuba, they are met with force, hauled off, and imprisoned or shot.

Communists pretend they are the wave of the future. Actually, they are a throwback to the outdated system of absolutist monarchy that was abolished in most of Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. Marx was not a brilliant thinker — he was a stubborn fool who turned his back on democratic capitalism, the most successful and humane system in history. That's why he found a following in backwaters like czarist Russia and post-imperial China. Communism has never appealed to those with deep-seated democratic traditions because they recognize its authoritarian nature and its threat to freedom.
Posted by: Besoeker 2021-07-20