
Saudi Forces Kill Militant in Riyadh
Oboy! Another one for the deaders collection...
Saudi forces killed a wanted militant and wounded another in a raid in southern Riyadh on Wednesday, the Interior Ministry said. Abdulrahman al-Yazji, one of four remaining fugitives on Saudi Arabia's list of 26 top militant suspects, was killed after opening fire and throwing a hand grenade at security forces, the ministry said in a statement.

The clash occurred in the Sina'iyah district of southern Riyadh when security forces, who had been monitoring the building where Yazji was staying, arrived on the scene at 9 a.m. The Riyadh raid followed three days of fighting north of the capital in which Saudi forces killed at least 14 gunmen, including a senior al Qaeda suspect thought to have masterminded bombings in Casablanca in May 2003. Security sources said the unidentified man wounded alongside Yazji was in hospital in serious condition.

Several al Qaeda "big fish" were among the 15 terrorists killed and seven captured in a series of gun battles and raids in and near Riyadh since Sunday, Saudi security officials say. Sources in the Saudi government have said four of those killed or caught were on the list of 26 most-wanted terrorists, leaving just two of those on the list still at large. The Saudi Interior Ministry is expected to announce DNA test results Wednesday afternoon to confirm the identities of the suspected al Qaeda militants killed and captured during a three-day stand-off and gun battle northwest of Riyadh and another gun battle Wednesday morning in an industrial area in southern Riyadh.

Several Saudi sources told CNN that Abdul-Rahman Mohammed Mohammed Yazji, one of the 26 most-wanted, was killed in the Wednesday morning gun battle. The sources would not confirm or deny reports that Saleh Oufi, head of al Qaeda in the Arab peninsula, was seriously wounded and captured in that battle. He is also on the list of 26.
That would be too much to hope for.
Thought he was mangled beyond recognition, sitting in a wheelchair?
Investigators were also trying to determine whether two senior al Qaeda figures -- the suspected leader of the Islamic terror group in Saudi Arabia and a man linked to the March 2004 Madrid train bombings -- were among 14 militants killed in a battle that began Sunday and ended Tuesday, said Brig. Mansour Turki, an Interior Ministry spokesman. Five militants were wounded and captured, and one surrendered, he said. DNA tests are being conducted to determine whether two of the bodies are those of Saud Humud al-Utaibi and Abd al-Karim el-Mejjati, two of the most-wanted al Qaeda suspects in the kingdom.
So we don't have confimation yet on those two.

Posted by: Steve 2005-04-06